Sponsors & Affiliates


MYOS Pet Products

Laurren is proud to have been selected as the first ever brand ambassador for MYOS Pet Products, the creators of MYOS Canine Muscle Formula.

Powered by Fortetropin®, MYOS Canine Muscle Formula has been clinically proven to help build and maintain muscle mass in canines. Laurren has personally witnessed amazing results not only in her own dogs, but also in her client’s dogs fitness & overall sports performance; she HIGHLY recommends it in addition to any well-balanced conditioning & fitness routine.

Laurren is proud to offer her clients a 20% discount off all products when using the link below, or simply by using the exclusive code OCA20 at checkout!

1-TDC WorksSoWell

1-TDC promotes a healthy inflammatory response from head to tail for our canine athletes!

It is an economical source of fatty acids that help promote superior oral health, stronger joints, smoother skin & coat, increased stamina during performance events & faster recovery following competitions.

"1-TDC WorksSoWell is a unique product that not only helps my canine athletes have impeccable oral health, but also contributes to keeping their joints healthy, maintaining a shiny coat, & increasing their overall mobility.

The product is much more cost effective compared to others on the market & saves me from having to take them in for expensive dental cleanings that are not only stressful, but expensive.

My twelve year old agility champion still runs around as if he is three & has yet to have any dental issues; this not only keeps him extremely happy, but also his Veterinarian too!

Being able to give one super palatable supplement to both my younger performance dogs & also my retired canine athlete makes this a product we cannot live without!

It is unique, cost effective & my dogs love it!"

You can always use our exclusive OCA10 discount code for 10% off your entire order!


We are super happy to announce we are now a FitPaws brand affiliate!

Every athlete requires conditioning & cross training - canine athletes are no exception!

When competing in agility, flyball, dock diving or any canine sport, your dog has to use their entire body to jump, twist, & turn - all while moving at full speed!
This means they need greater amounts of strength, endurance, power, balance, proprioception and flexibility than the average dog to navigate these challenges & mitigate the risk of injury.
Your dog’s overall fitness level is a key contributor to their success - and a proper exercise regimen can make all the difference!

We trust FitPaws for all of our inflatable equipment needs - helping to keep our canine athletes in the best shape possible!
I highly recommend their quality products to all of my fitness clientele, therefore you can find the best deals on their products through our personal product link!